Stress. Too much sugar. Too much alcohol and/or caffeine. Too much gluten and dairy (for those that are sensitive). Too much meat.
These are common reasons I’m given when I ask my clients who come in with big, bad breakouts like these if they can correlate anything to the eruption. Some people never put 2 & 2 together until they’re sitting in my office. But there’s almost always a connection.
While the pictures here are extreme, they are real images of some of my highly sensitive acne prone clients. When I'm working with someone to improve breakouts like these, hormonal factors, excessive stress, dietary sensitivities, and use of acne products that are too aggressive for their skin are almost always a factor.
1) Relax! Easier said than done, I know. But finding a stress reduction method that works for you can have a huge impact on the skin. Take 10 deep breaths every few hours, go for a walk, read a good book, or do some stretching. Find something that calms you and practice it daily. Less stress = less breakouts!
2) Drink Water! And lots of it! (I shoot for 3-4 liters per day) Bonus detoxification points if you put lemon in it.
3) Reduce and/or eliminate foods that can create toxicity in the body, such as sugar, alcohol, caffeine, dairy, excessive grains, and excessive meat. All of these are acid forming & can over tax a sensitive body system, and overwork the organs of elimination including the skin.
4) Be gentle! Many people want to be overly aggressive with their skin when it’s breaking out. But some types of acne respond much better to a more gentle approach. Skip the vigorous scrubbing, picking, poking, prodding, and overly drying acne spot treatments. Treat your skin with some TLC, make sure to hydrate your skin and only use blemish fighters that are kind to your skin.
If you’ve struggled with acne, mild or severe, I feel your pain. I used to struggle with it too. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see.
I can help you find a solution. Whether it be thru recommending personalized diet and lifestyle adjustments, or skin care ingredients to use and/or avoid. I can help.
To learn more about my initial assessment, consultation and 1st skin treatment appointment work click HERE.
For those of you living outside of Arizona and are unable to come to Phoenix, you can learn more about my Long Distance Skin Consultation by clicking HERE.*
If scheduling an appointment with me isn’t within your means, please feel free to sign up for my VIP email list so you’ll be sure to receive my top tips for creating healthier, more beautiful skin.
Were these tips helpful for you? Be sure to share this article with your friends!
Which tips will you be implementing and what other questions may you have about clearing up your skin? Let me know if the comments below. Come back after you’ve tried some of my recommendations and share your results. I’d love to know how you did.
In the meantime, be well & remember...
You matter and you are loved!
XO' s,
*Full disclosure, I typically have a waitlist for appointments & currently only have room for a handful of new client consultations & new long distance consults each year. I know it’s a bit of a wait, but I promise it will be worth it.
Whether you’re a been a client of mine for years or if you’ve been wanting to schedule an appointment with me to help you learn how to achieve your skin care goals, I suggest reaching out to do so as soon as possible.