Intentionally Radiant by Breanna Thomas

Product Ingredient Review

( 0 Reviews )

Want someone to take a look at your skincare or makeup and makeup products and tell you if there's anything in them that could be a potential hormone disruptor, cancer causer, sun damage accelerator, or pore clogger? 

This is the service for you if you're tired of wasting time and money on products that either seem not to help your skin at all or feel as if they may be making it worse.

You may know you want to start using healthier products but aren't sure where to start (and certainly don't have the time or desire to research dermatology journals, chemistry manuals, or cosmetic ingredient dictionaries like Breanna).

Have your products reviewed by Breanna Thomas, a skin care pro who has performed well over skin 15,000 treatments, has 19 years professional experience dissecting cosmetic labels, and REALLY knows what works & what doesn't when it comes to the ingredients you use on your skin. 

Purchase a Product Ingredient Review and within 7 days you'll get the full scoop on whether or not the products you're using are helpful or harmful, and  if they should stay or go. 

  • 4 products reviewed for $49
  • 10 products reviewed for $99
  • 20 products reviewed for $179

Within 48 hours of placing your order you'll receive an email detailing what info is needed from you in order for Breanna to get started reviewing the products you have in mind. 

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